How to Draft “Proxy Cards”
When you file your proxy statement with the SEC, you also need to file a “proxy card” which shareholders will use to cast their vote. This Vid-Guide explains all the legalese associated with proxy cards, including analyzing some examples.
Then at the 20:50 mark, our guest – Carl Hagberg, a renowned inspector of elections, who also publishes the “Shareholder Service Optimizer” – joins us to discuss:
- What’s the process for Broadridge receiving – and reviewing – your proxy card so they can draft the VIF?
- Does the inspector of elections get a look at a draft of the proxy card too?
- What do the instructions on the proxy card about how to cast the vote look like?
- What about the instructions for voting by phone?
- How about instructions for how to sign the proxy card?
- Who should a company appoint to serve as their proxies? How many? And what type of officers?
- How do you ensure that the description of matters on the proxy card are “clear & impartial”?
- How should a company distinguish between management & shareholder proposals on the proxy card?
- How about descriptions of shareholder proposals? How do you draft those for the proxy card?
- What about discretionary authority to adjourn a meeting? Should that be on the proxy card? In other words, when do you need a box to tally the votes on “all other business”?
- What about floor proposals? Can proxy committees vote all the votes present as they wish on those?
For many more Vid-Guides dealing with corporate & securities law, corporate governance, E&S issues and more – particularly if you want to review any Vid-Guides referred to during this Vid-Guide – see the list of Vid-Guides spread throughout these categories:
- Corporate Governance
- Proxy Season
- Executive Pay
- ’34 Act/Other
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