Virtual Shareholder Meetings: Broadridge’s View
February 11, 2021 •
In this Vid-Guide, Broadridge’s Cathy Conlon covers a lot of ground about the functionality of virtual shareholder meetings, including:
- How much advance notice does a company need to give to reserve their VSM spot on your calendar?
- How does your platform enable Q&A?
- How about allowing shareholder proponents to speak? Or the inspector of election? Or a representative from the independent auditor?
- How can members of the company otherwise communicate with attendees during a VSM?
- Can your platform allow companies to display pre-recorded presentations?
- If someone from the company is having tech issues during the VSM, what can they do? Who do they reach?
- What are the attendance options that your platform has? Can “guests” be permitted if a company wants that – either pre-registered or anyone from the general public?
- Do you typically conduct “dress rehearsals” with your clients?
- What about archiving the virtual meeting for posting on a company’s IR web page?
- Any last words?
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