Top 10 ESG Resources I’m Consuming This Month

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Over on, I list the top 10 resources applicable to your practice that I have consumed this month:

  1. Stuck in a fossil past, present and future” – Sasja Beslik (where we are now with fossil fuels, including who owns the fossil reserves, who invests in them and how Big Oil executives are incentivized to combat climate action)
  2. Model Climate Laws – Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization (sample laws that countries, states & local governments can use to modify for their own purposes)
  3. Why accounting really matters for climate change, and what you need to know about it” – David Pitt-Watson for Responsible Investor (explains recent move towards standardization of climate accounting, but we still have a ways to go)
  4. Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism – World Economic Forum’s International Business Council (metrics that are complementary with SASB’s industry-specific standards)
  5. Reducing your carbon emissions: sustainable investment the most effective way?” – The Ethical Investor (moving your investments to sustainable ones are 27x more efficient than improving your personal carbon footprint)
  6. Frequency connectedness and cross-quantile dependence between green bond and green equity markets” – Linh Pham (study that shows that green bond and green equity markets are connected)
  7. Big Sustainability Illusion” – Ralph Thurm (the problem with pure ESG and offers solutions towards a regenerative world)
  8. SEC’s Request for Input on Climate Disclosures (and here are comments received on this request so far)
  9. ESG Is A Moving Target Even For The Best Companies” – podcast with Paul Weiss’ Dave Curran and Professor Evan Epstein (great summary of what you need to know)
  10. Shortcomings of Monocapitalism: Capital — Singular or Plural?” – Bill Baue (the history of financial capital and its focus on economic growth)

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