How to Handle Corp Fin’s Comment Letter Process
January 1, 2021 •
Our guest – White & Case’s Era Anagnosti – explains the “comment letter process” of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance, including:
- Does every SEC filing get screened?
- What is the screening process? Timing, who does it, what is being looked for?
- What is the difference between a “no review,” “monitor” and “full review”?
- Are some companies always reviewed – a “continuous review”?
- How will the Staff notify you about your filing’s level of review?
- Can you talk the Staff into not reviewing your filing?
- If a filing is pulled for a “full review,” what is the process? Timing, who reviews, what is “fair game” to be commented upon, any ‘standard’ comments?
- When comments are made, what form are they in? And who sends them – who receives them?
- What is the process of responding to comments? Timing, who gives input, how clarify comments, deciding whether to challenge comments, nature of responses, confidential treatment of responses?
- What happens when the Staff receives responses to comments? Timing, who reviews, subsequent comments?
- How does the Staff ultimately “clear” comments? Is there any written evidence of the “clearance”?
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