The Nuts & Bolts of “Proxy Plumbing”
January 1, 2021 •
Our guest – Alliance Advisor’s Tom Ball – walks us through the quagmire of proxy plumbing, including:
- What’s the difference between book-entry and certificated form of ownership?
- What’s the difference between record holders and beneficial owners?
- What’s the difference between OBOs and NOBOs?
- Do companies routinely obtain a NOBO list for each annual meeting?
- What typically will be on that list?
- What is DTC? What is Cede & Co.? And why does that matter – how do they play a role in the chain of ownership?
- What is the “omnibus proxy” that you should get from DTC before each annual meeting?
- And what are “search cards” – and who sends those out – and when?
- Then how does Broadridge fit into all of this with beneficial owners?
- And what do transfer agents do with the record holders?
For many more Vid-Guides dealing with corporate & securities law, corporate governance, E&S issues and more – particularly if you want to review any Vid-Guides referred to during this Vid-Guide – see the list of Vid-Guides spread throughout these categories:
- Corporate Governance
- Proxy Season
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