The SEC Chair just directed Corp Fin to review climate disclosures. What does that mean?

Three things to know about SEC Chair Allison Herren Lee’s statement on climate-related disclosures:
1. Corp Fin Will Review ’34 Act Disclosures – The SEC Staff will be pulling periodic reports from companies to conduct a comprehensive review for a specific topic (ie. climate risks) – and likely will publish a study of their findings at the end. This kind of review for a particular issue happens about once per decade.
2. Unknown If Comments Will Result – This review may – or may not – result in companies receiving comments on their disclosures in this area, which would require them to improve their disclosures going forward.
3. Updated Climate Guidance or Rulemaking Coming – It’s clear from the Chair’s statement that the SEC intends to update its 2010 guidance about climate – whether that happens by rulemaking or interpretive guidance remains to be seen. The statement does mention “material information” in the last paragraph.
It’s probably no coincidence that Corp Fin just hired back my friend – Kristina Wyatt – to serve as Sr. Counsel for Climate & ESG to Acting Corp Fin Director John Coates. In this Bloomberg Law piece, Coates makes clear that ESG is his #1 priority…
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