Why does the board have to approve stock awards before I get my stock options & RSUs?
As the corporate secretary, you’ll get this question a lot from employees if your company grants options and restricted stock units to a wide swath of employees: “Why does the board/compensation committee have to approve my stock awards before I can get my stock options & RSUs?”
This is a big issue. Your equity is the company’s lifeblood. There are legal issues – although the authority to make grants to the rank & file can be delegated by the board to management.
But even then, there are other reasons – recordkeeping & keeping your financial affairs in order – to keep an eye on.
For many more Vid-Guides dealing with corporate & securities law, corporate governance, E&S issues and more – particularly if you want to review any Vid-Guides referred to during this Vid-Guide – see the list of Vid-Guides spread throughout these categories:
- Corporate Governance
- Proxy Season
- Executive Pay
- ’34 Act/Other
- ’33 Act/Deals
- Sustainability/E&S
- Career Advice
- Fun Party
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