The State of IR Web Pages

Our guest – Q4’s Joe Di Bacco – walks us through a litany of “where are we today” aspects of the investor relations web page, the “IR web page” for public companies, including:

  1. What are examples of good IR web pages that you recommend that folks check out?
  2. What type of display do you like for companies to use when they offer archives of past investor events, earnings calls?
  3. For the annual report & proxy statement, what formats of the documents do you think companies should offer?
  4. How do you think video might be used a way to provide or amplify a message?
  5. What about social media? It seems that few IR departments have their own channels.
  6. I’ve always been surprised that IROs in the USA haven’t seemed to follow the lead of some companies in Europe where some details about the bios, the contact info for the IROs are provided on the IR web page. Why do you think that is?
  7. Any other cool things you’re seeing out there for IR web pages that maybe companies should consider? What are companies doing for “ESG”? For sustainability?

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